Environmental Capitalism at work: The Territories was purchased from its original owner, International Paper, with an understanding of the importance of it's conservation. Its unique eco-system includes a saw palmetto flat, ponds, dense forests, a thriving river, hardwood tupelo bottom (typically found below the fall line in South Carolina) and a wide variety of wildlife. This rare and relatively undisturbed ecosystem along the river merits protection and the developers of the Territories have taken the necessary step to preserve it for all time.
Tim Burke, President of SCN Group, and visionary developer of the Territories, has taken the lead role for conservation easements for the community and he serves on the board of the Upper Savannah Land Trust (USLT). Tim has long since been a leader in land conservation in South Carolina dating back well more than a decade before conservation easements as we know them today even existed. His role in the USLT has been pivotal in registering more than 42 distinct recorded easements for the Land Trust. The land placed in the Territories conservation easement falls under this organization and adds to the over 27,777 acres currently in the Savannah River basin that is already protected. The USLT is now the 4th largest land conservation trust in SC. In all, over 1100 acres at the Terrirtories has been placed in this land trust with more to come in a few years. With now over 9 continuous miles of river frontage at the Territories Burke was compelled to save this resource for the State of South Carolina for all time. The intangible benefit to all Territories property owners will be realized both today and for generations to come by leaving a true living legacy for all that follow behind them. "With all the presssure put on the environment it is important that developers strike a balance with nature and man's needs. If you are careful and plan well, it can be done." says Burke. This is clearly evident in Tim's values as both a developer, outdoor enthusiast, and environmentalist.
Conservation Eco tours: Our naturalist conducts tours of the preserve for our owners, their guest, and visiting officials highlighting all the unique natural features of the preserve and teaches them about the extensive and varied wildlife on the Preserve. Our interactive hands on Nature Learning Center located in our Welcome Center is the beginning point of all Eco Tours. It is not uncommon to see indigenous century old trees and delicate rare plants along the tour that have long since been eradicated elsewhere in the State.
The Territories has a full-time, onsite naturalist, who is involved in a number of programs involving local schools and clubs. Together, they track animal populations, monitor habitats, and test water quality. In the past year, The Territories has engaged Clemson University,the South Carolina Forestry Commission, and the Quality Deer Management Association, who are currently conducting several research projects on the property for their forestry & wildlife stewardship program.
We have also partnered with South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to aid with the Governor's Wood Duck Project. To date, two dozen wood duck boxes have been erected with more boxes planned in the coming years. Monitoring and maintaining the boxes for nest and fledging success will help biologists monitor one of the few nesting waterfowl species we have here in South Carolina. Not to overlook our non-game bird species, Bluebird houses have been erected in many of the fields across the Saluda River Preserve.
Contact us toll free at (877) 328-9417.